the wire
This is our Live Board keeping you up to date with what's hot in the Ninjaverse ✨
We'll be adding fresh content here as soon as it lands! Expect to see Registration Links for Partner Events & Training, Little Snippets of what we're up to at Ninjas HQ in The Blog, Shout Outs and a Meet Up Gallery from the pics that our Volunteer Community Hosts share with us and anything else we think you'll find helpful in your role as a HR Superstar!
We need your help answering an important question: Are your employee benefits fit for the workforce of the future?
Introducing our next 'Ninsights' 3 minute survey, in conjunction with our partners, KareHero.
KareHero will be collating the insights and creating a free eBook on all things Adult Care in the workplace (which in a few weeks will be available to download for all members)!
PS - You don't even have to provide your name or any identifiable data if you don't want to!